They The Pretty Stars (Court High Book 1) Read online

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  “Well, I’m sure me not knowing about you had nothing to do with you but me. I wasn’t really a part of your sister’s ‘gang.’” Birdie paused, air quoting. “She didn’t actually talk to any of us.”

  “She didn’t?”

  Birdie shook her head. “We may be jocks, but our rung on the social hierarchy is far lower than hers, her and the Court.”

  “The Court?”

  She danced a finger in the direction of a table, the center table that always had the most people regardless of my few days here. Mostly guys, they sat both on the table as well as the benches, and where there wasn’t seating, some stood around, eating their sandwiches with their jackets off and ties loosened. The girls that were there were either under arms or in laps, like the girl who was pretty much all over the one guy who was always, always at the center of the centermost table.

  Royal Prinze had hands on a leggy brunette, a firm hand cradling the girl’s ass to keep her there. Fingers to his lips, he sat in the full conversation around him. Though, I noticed he wasn’t generally part of it. He listened, an emperor on the throne, while he observed the goings-on of the kingdom around him.

  “That’s the Court,” Birdie let me in on, her face a grimace. “The elite and exclusive boys’ club of Windsor Prep.”

  “So it’s a clique?” I asked, and chuckles surrounded me.

  “Hardly,” Birdie continued, facing forward. “It’s basically a fraternity but in high school. They do anything they want, have anything they want, and fuck anything they want.”


  “It doesn’t stop there,” Kiki joined in, swinging a leg out to stare at the table. “One word from a former member, and you can basically get into any college you want.”

  “And any job you want when you come back,” Shakira said over yogurt. She swallowed. “Or don’t. Either way, you’re set for life. Here or on the outside. The Court is very influential.”

  “Yeah, they have a lot of clout.” Deadpan, Birdie transferred her attention from that table, her smile small on me. “Anyway, they don’t talk to our lot, and their group is totally official. They have a pledging process, social events, and even club rings.”

  “The almighty king.” Kiki growled, making the group laugh when she bared teeth and put out fake claws. “They have it on their rings, and any guy around here would kill to have one.”

  “You said it was a boys’ club, though,” I stated. “How was Paige a part of that? It’s not like she actually dates any of the guys.”

  This was obvious considering my sister’s sexuality and at the question all three of the ball players sat back.

  “Your sister may have been a girl, but she was a definite bro when it came to this place.” Birdie picked up her burger. “First girl to play on the Windsor Prep football team, not to mention a star player on the lacrosse team. She didn’t have to date the guys. She was one of them. Through and through.”

  “She didn’t actually join their little society, did she?” I asked, all this sounding like a friggin’ cult.

  “Not that I know of, but if she wanted to, she definitely could have. Like I said, she was one of them.”

  Members of the Court left one by one, even the girls when prompted. Royal raised a hand for them to leave, and after, all that remained were himself and three guys. This always happened every lunch period…

  Not like I noticed or anything.

  They didn’t do anything particularly special after the other guys and girls left, just chatted, and all three of the guys were in my English class with Royal as well. Something told me they probably had a lot of classes together.

  “LJ, Knight, and Jax,” Birdie pointed out, obviously noticing I’d noticed the change in seating arrangement. Peeling her gaze from me, she resumed eating her food. “His right-hand guys. They like quiet time from the fray to discuss Court business.”


  Birdie lifted her broad shoulders. “No one knows. Most of their relatives were the founding members of the Court. I guess we don’t need to know. They do what they want around here.”

  And Paige was a part of all that.

  I stared at my phone on the table, all of this information swirling around me. I felt like I knew my sister despite the pair of us growing up in separate households, but each day and passing moment seemed liked a glimpse into a life and another world that I didn’t necessarily want to see. It made me feel like I didn’t know her at all, disconnecting me from her.

  Lunch wrapped quickly, and after dumping our plates, I left the girls, forced to continue my day on my own with few resources. I’d probably do something like invest in a recorder or something because the pacing of this place was insane. They were leagues ahead of me in something even as basic as American history, something I typically excelled at. It all left me feeling a little defeated, but I at least stayed awake, which I couldn’t say for those with blood ties to the Court’s founding members. In the classes I had with the guys, they either slept or talked through it, definitely throwing their weight around this place. With all I knew about them now, it seemed they could, and I idly wondered if they even had to work remotely as hard as the rest of us, me. I stayed vigilant in class and eventually got through the day. I decided to dip out the last ten minutes or so of final period, claiming I was sick and needed to see the nurse. Instead, I found myself behind the administrative offices and in the school’s boathouse again. I’d come to find out the school did have a rowing team and that’s where they stored the boats and equipment. I hoped, since it was towards the end of the day, it wouldn’t be occupied with school getting out soon and I was right when I arrived to an empty space.

  Pulling my bag off my back, I got on my knees, pulling a few apples I saved from lunch. I didn’t know if this would work, but I read on the internet dogs liked apples of all things. I put a little peanut butter on them too, and no sooner had I pulled out the peanut butter packet than a little nose came sniffing from underneath a boat.

  “I knew I’d find you again,” I said, holding my hand out for the chocolate lab. It came quickly, stumbling over its little legs. They looked new, the puppy really small.

  “Are your mom or brothers and sisters around here, little guy?” I asked, my heart about to explode from the cuteness. Finishing the apple quick, he chewed on my finger, making me laugh. He fell on his back, and I quickly discovered he was actually a she. I grinned. “Well, little girl. Let’s see if we can find your mama, huh?”

  Hershey, I’d decided from her obvious color, climbed right into my hand, staying there as I wandered the boathouse in search of more dogs. I held out more apples and peanut butter for bait but nothing came for the bribe. This little girl seemed very much alone.

  I’ll take care of you, then.

  I had no idea how my dad would react to a new addition to his household, but I took a chance in saying not well. He could be a real tight-ass, but I wasn’t leaving this puppy to fend for herself. She was so small.

  I made a space for her in the bottom of my bag, using the sweater I wore today for her to burrow inside. I also gave her a bit of apple to chew on and left the top open enough to give her some good air flow until I got home.

  “Do you enjoy watching people fuck?”

  The voice shot through me like a honeyed dagger, rich and thick like maple syrup. Turning, I realized I was being hovered over, green eyes like pulsing daggers.

  Royal had his arms raised above him, gripping a shelving unit that held oars.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, trying to be brave about it. He’d cornered me here, cornered me in a place where he had been fucking, the ecstasy on his face while he had a girl on her knees. I idly wondered if that’s how he looked during similar acts, a girl below and underneath him for different reasons. I thought more about that day than I probably should have, only made worse that he was in quite a few of my classes.

  And with those damn shirt sleeves rolled up.

  He had them at his elbows today, th
e golden blond hair dusting his forearms a fine contrast to his tanned skin. We were toward the end of the day, and I noticed he’d completely relaxed, his dress shirt untucked and tie completely undone. He looked like he just got done doing a little something…

  Maybe in here.

  I hadn’t seen him this time or I would have made myself scarce.

  Royal honed in, lowering his thick arms. “I said, do you enjoy fucking?”

  My flesh surged like bacon, unsure if he was asking me for informational purposes or proposing something. Either way, I wasn’t feeling it.

  I gripped my bag, Hershey inside. I didn’t think he’d seen her. I’d already gotten her inside. I swallowed. “Why would you ask me that?”

  “Because you’re here,” he said, eyes appraising the length of me. “In my space.”

  “Your space?”

  He nodded once. “So if you’re here, you either enjoy watching people fuck or enjoy fucking since that’s the only thing people do in here.”

  Blanching, I hadn’t been explained all that yet. I guess that makes sense why he was in here the other day… and maybe now.

  Feeling a little stupid that I hadn’t picked up on that, I tightened the hold on my bag, watching as Royal got closer.

  “Which is it exactly for you, then?” he asked, rounding my side. “December, right?”

  Not surprised he knew who I was considering his position in this place and his apparent connection to my sister, I stood tall.

  “Neither.” I started to pass him, but a clip of his shoulder halted me, his smell cool and delicious as it danced over my tongue.

  He followed my shoulder up to my eyes, and never having been this close, the flecks of green in his were a kaleidoscope of colors, an array of broken glass in a wide sea.

  “Stay out of my space,” he threatened, an unmasked challenge in his whisper. He backed off. “I don’t want to see you in here again.”

  My breath returned only after he left my breathing space and the whimpering puppy in my hands finally made me move my legs. I got Hershey and myself together, then left behind Royal, keeping my distance as much as I could, to head to the car I knew waited to take me home.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: WTF

  So it’s your sister. Remember me? Well, let me reacquaint myself. My name is December Regina Lindquist. I’m eighteen years old this past August. I’m a senior at Windsor Preparatory Academy in Maywood Heights, population 150,000. I’m a vegan, and I miss my sister…

  Now, tell me who exactly are you?

  - December

  P.S. Em is mad at you. :(


  Aunt Celeste called as I crossed the threshold of the house, a whimpering puppy on my back and speed in my feet. I had to convince Hubert to turn the music up in the car just so he wouldn’t hear her, no doubt scaring the shit out of my little puppy. I was sure she was already traumatized enough for the day.

  I knew I was.

  Letting my phone ring for a second, I pulled my bag off my back.

  “You have to be quiet, little girl,” I soothed, unzipping her free. The moment she could she stood on her hind legs in the bag, her little tail wagging on overdrive as she sported her happy dog smile.

  Jesus, you’re so cute.

  Nudging her with a finger, I answered Aunt Celeste’s call in the safety of my bedroom. Traditionally, Dad didn’t tend to make an appearance until at least seven o’ clock, a traditional workaholic in its purest form.

  I thanked the world for small favors.

  Phone in hand, I stripped off my tights and heels during an Aunt Celeste check-in. She definitely wasn’t one to hover, but with me being here, she’d called a time or four since I arrived. She just wanted to know that I was okay and didn’t need anything. After all, she had pretty much raised me.

  “I’m fine and things are good. I swear,” I admitted, taking the time to give Hershey a little more apple from my lunch. Satisfied, she kept quiet in my bag while I pulled off my uniform and changed into street clothes. “I’m making friends.”

  “Well, that’s good, love. Real good,” she said. “And your dad? You actually see him while you’ve been there?”

  Did I mention these two weren’t each other’s biggest fans? I mean, I was sure my dad didn’t have many anyway, but when it came to my mom’s sister, let’s just say the two could be on better terms. She had a resentment even I didn’t have for him for actually allowing me to stay in LA all those years ago and not taking me with him. My aunt loved me, yes, but I think a part of her really did want him to fight a little more for a relationship with me. He could have but just chose not to do so as far as she was concerned.

  She not the only one, I let that roll off my back. “Yes, I’ve seen him.”

  “Mmm.” She didn’t sound too convinced, but again, she wasn’t his biggest fan. “He’s taking care of you, then? You have everything you need?”

  I wouldn’t mention the food thing and this was my dad’s house, so I had to abide by the rules. I’d just snapped my jeans shut when a knock on the door caused me to glance over my shoulder. “Come in.”

  Rosanna popped her head in, the middle-aged woman with a laundry basket under her arm. “Can I get your laundry, December?”

  A lot of things I had to get used to here and this was one of them. I would rather do it myself just because I didn’t want to feel like someone was serving me, but I’d turned her down before and she ended up getting my stuff anyway when I’d been out.

  I waved her in, and immediately, she headed to my closet knowing I kept my laundry in there. I went back to my call. “He’s been fine. Working a lot, but I have everything I need.”

  “And no word on your sister I suppose?” she asked, and since that was true, I said nothing. In the few conversations regarding my sister, a teacher or two and of course Birdie and the other basketball players, people were asking me questions about her. Not the other way around. According to Birdie, my sister also had a particular clique, and it didn’t seem like anyone outside of that would know anything about where she was anyway.

  Definitely not enlisting the likes of Royal Prinze and the Court into the mix, I sat on my bed. “Nada. And I told you I think just me being here will be enough. If someone knows where she is or is even helping her, I’m sure word will get to her. I’ve been emailing her too.”


  “Nothing. Who knows if she’s even checking it.”

  I didn’t feel like she was, completely cut off from my sister. I got a few more words about that from my aunt, but not many. Like Dad, she thought this whole trip was a waste of time. My sister had skipped town before, had friends what seemed like everywhere to help her and always had them. She was very sociable, the complete opposite of me and if she wanted to go off the grid for days, weeks, or even months, she could. Everyone simply believed this was just another one of her antics, and though I believed that was part of it, I still thought she’d at least reach out to me. She usually did anyway.

  “Well, you’re always welcome back home, and I’ll be waiting,” Aunt Celeste said. “And if your dad starts acting like the tool I know he is about anything, you being there or… anything, you call me. I’ll get you back on a plane and pay for it myself if I have to.”

  Something told me her “anything” had all the reason to do with what happened several summers ago and landed me in a clinic. We’d been through a lot together, my aunt and me.

  “You know you can’t afford that, Aunt C,” I told her, sighing. She worked a shit ton and still could barely make ends meet.

  “Don’t tell me what I can afford. I want you back here, both of you guys if possible. Your sister is most likely a lost cause, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. I won’t let him run you out too.”

  My stomach turned at how she’d written off Paige. Maybe if more people were doing things I was doing instead of bitching about who ran who off, she’
d be here in the first place and I’d be back home. It took a second, but eventually, I convinced my aunt I was okay enough for her to let me go. I promised her I’d check in but I didn’t know how soon it’d be. Frankly, I was reeling with a lot of feelings surrounding recent events, and as I found out more and more about Paige’s life, the desire to stay urged even more.

  “Do you have anything else, sweetheart?” Rosanna asked, her basket full as she left the closet. Since it looked like she got everything, I told her no and she went about her way…

  But not before grabbing for the sweater peeking out of my bag.

  Before I could stop her, puppy dog eyes made themselves appear, Hershey with her wet tongue out and a dog smile on her face.

  “Oh, my. Where did you come from?” Rosanna asked, placing her basket down, and I rushed over, pulling Hershey out of the bag before she could take her.

  “I found her at school,” I admitted, trying to gauge her reaction to that. True, Rosanna had been nice enough since I got here and invaded, but her loyalties no doubt still resided with my dad.

  Her frown let me in on that.

  “Surely, you know your father doesn’t really like animals, December,” she stated, making me cringe. “Did he give you permission or…”

  Shaking my head, I moved fingers under Hershey’s ear, the puppy nudging me with her little nose. “I was going to ask. Do you know when he’ll be home?”

  “He’s out late tonight. One of his social events.”

  These already old hat, I nodded. He’d gone to a few, and I hadn’t even been here that long, just another thing I didn’t understand about him. I continued to scratch Hershey, and though Rosanna appeared to want to say more, I watched her expression shift from mortification to warmth as she watched me play with the cutest puppy in the whole goddamn world.